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We are hiring in 2024!

The Rideau Roundtable has two summer positions through Canada Summer Jobs, with a start date of June 14.   Candidates must be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start date and legally entitled to work in Ontario.  To apply, please send resume and cover letter by email to:


Application cut-off date : June 7, 5:00 pm.


Second Job: Paddlefest 2021 Coordinator


The 2021 Rideau Paddlefest Coordinator in Smiths Falls is a part time position for a person who is an organizer, good with people and a natural marketer. It pays $16 an hour for 15 flexible hours a week for 16 weeks.



If you are also an avid gardener, there is the possibility of being hired to a second part time position position with the Rideau Environmental Action League (REAL) (for more information visit this page:  REAL Hiring Two Young People This Summer REAL | Rideau Environmental Action League (


Rideau Paddlefest Coordinator - Job Description



For 2021 Rideau Paddlefest Coordinator 


Wage: $16/hour

Hours per week: 15 hours

Job duration: 16 weeks Start of Thursday June 14 

Rideau Paddlefest Tentative Date:  Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021

Application Cut-off Date: June 7 at 5:00pm





1. Coordinate Voyageur Canoe Race Team Formation and Registration (60 h)

a. Recruitment of Voyageur Canoe Race Teams                                                   

• Contact previous years’ teams and sponsors, youth groups, area businesses  to market the races as a fun filled day of camaraderie and team building


b. Market grandparents and grandchildren racing teams                              

  • develop marketing strategy to attract families to this event

  • collaborate with Paddlefest working group to implement this marketing strategy

  • promote, register participants and coordinate races


c. Point person for Voyager Canoe Race Registration                                                                      

  • advertise race registration on Paddlefest posters, Facebook page

  • twice weekly response to registrations and requests for information that come via the Rideau Paddlefest web site

  • point person for communicating with race team leads leading up to the race


d. Organize VIP Voyageur Tug-of-War in conjunction with the Rideau Paddlefest Organizing Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee 


e. organize other appropriate events, e.g. singers performing in voyageur canoes


2. Coordinate Exhibitors  (30 h)                                                                                                                        

a. Review exhibitor feedback forms from past years and work with the Committee to develop plan for the current year.

b. Contact previous and new exhibitors regarding attendance at 2021 festival

c. Point person for communication with exhibitors, including garnering verification of insurance as per Town of Smiths Falls requirements and Parks Canada.


3. Recruit and organize volunteers to help in various activities of Rideau Paddlefest, working closely with the  Committee.       (20 h)


4. Along with the Organizing Committee,  develop and implement marketing plan, safety protocol and overall plan for  the festival.        (15  h)


5. Coordinate Rideau Canal Heritage Show,  Photo Contest , other Family Activities and logistical tasks. (20 h)                           

6. Site Layout      (40h)

a. Coordinate site layout with working group and the Town of Smiths Falls

b. Organize volunteers with designated tasks to help with exhibitors, performers, racing teams, etc.  


7. Solicit feedback from exhibitors, racers and others to generate a report with recommendations next year and future Paddlefests.  (20h)


8. Undertake other tasks related to 2021 Rideau Paddlefest as designated by the Committee(15 h)


9. Generate Operation Manuel for future Rideau Paddlefest (20 h)



To be confirmed.


Date to be confirmed: Rideau Paddlefest usually happens on Saturdays and for 2021 this would be tentatively set for Saturday, September 18 with around 500 participants. 

Call  Peter




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